お客様 (2020.2にご利用)からのビデオレターです。コロナ禍での応援です。
This is a video letter from the customer (Use my services in Feb.2020) . It is support in corona disaster.
・5 Things To Do in 2 days 京都-2日間でやるべき5つのこと
By SkiBoyNY san
<ご参考まで> For reference

お客様 (2020.2にご利用)からのビデオレターです。コロナ禍での応援です。
This is a video letter from the customer (Use my services in Feb.2020) . It is support in corona disaster.
・5 Things To Do in 2 days 京都-2日間でやるべき5つのこと
By SkiBoyNY san
<ご参考まで> For reference
Mo Tel : +8190-1076-8788 JP:090-1076-8788
Thank you for your comment !
- WEB revision history -
2014-3-1 Homepage "Nobusan KyotoTour" opened!
2015-4-1 Homepage re-vice
2015-6-1 "Tour's Blog with Nobusan" release
2016-9-1 Tripadvisor first post review
2017-5-18 The domain ".kyoto" reg.
2017-10-19 JGA Guide-Interpreter Search reg.
2020-12-12 Homepage re-vice & Blog search engine setting
2025-3-1 Closed the Kyoto Sightseeing Taxi and Specializing in tourist guides
Nobusan Guide by private car for Kansai area including Mount Koya & Himeji castle
URL: https://www.nagata-kyototour.com/
Mail: nagatakyototour@gmail.com
National Government Licensed Guide Interpreter@Nobusan Copyright (C)